
Uta Schneider & Ulrike Stoltz

The book is a play on shape and on words; the title was made by swapping the second halves of: ‘Lesebuch’ (reading book) and ‘Segelboot’(sailing boat). The book is printed with related images of boats.

Arun Desai

Buzz Spector

A passage


Aboud Soudano

Embalagem de isopor para o livro de Paul Smith



Trapped in Suburbia

We wanted to get our clients moving behind their desk, so we've made up this notebook with on one side space to write and on the other side ball patterns. Just crumble up an piece of paper an you can play soccer, or rugby, or throw a tennis ball in your waste basket.We've won a bronze medal for 'printed self promotion' in 2007 European Design Awards for this design.You can purchase the notebook via our little web-shop on www.trappedinsuburbia.com
via IED


Zé César


Livro publicado pela Universidade Federal de Goiás